In an exclusive interview with Kotaku, Larian runs through how Baldur’s Gate 3’s expansive character creator came to be
Always great to see an in-depth character creator. Can’t wait to spend hours tweaking my character to get them just right instead of actually playing the game.
LOL yea but making characters are fun too.
I’m excited because I cant help but play an older human male wizard, and in the EA character creator the closest I could get to what I wanted, he always ended up looking just like a “typical” Jesus.
I see creating your character being as detailed as you want. Fun.
Underwear can be changed or remove. Curious.
I think the main concern I have is that we’ll have all the tools to make a great looking gruff half-orc or ancient witch, but still be stuck with the option of two soft-spoken voices that sound pretty much exactly the same.
There are more voices datamined and I believe I heard one of the attendees of the last Panel from Hell to say there are two further choices for voices in the full game. I have consumed so much BG3 media in the last month that I won’t be able to find that, though, so take that as a ‘maybe.’
(Was it Wolfheart? It might have been Wolfheart…)