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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • I think that your desire for a place where you can discuss the experiences unique to your generation is totally reasonable, and I’m sorry you’ve gotten backlash for asking how you can have the same thing others are enjoying. To me, there’s obvious value in a Gen-Z community. Later generations too eventually.

    My friends and life were already firmly established during the covid lockdown and I imagine that the younger you were the more impactful that period and the time after it must have been. I’d love to watch younger people talk about that time of their lives if only so I can learn more, and it’s obvious I could learn other things I’m not even aware of yet from younger people’s conversations.

    I for one hope you stay, and even if you don’t feel up to starting a new community I hope you get what you’re looking for. There’s nothing wrong with posting to a slow or dead community and just thinking of it like a small forum every once in a while. You’re definitely not the only Gen-Z on here, and if you post someone else might feel more comfortable posting too!

  • In some settings bulettes hate the taste of elves, and maybe that could allow militaristic elves to domesticate them for use as raiding mounts. I’m imagining an elven archer atop a saddle with a bulette-hide shield along the dorsal fin. The shield is sturdy enough that it allows the rider to duck down and be protected while the mount tunnels, as well as providing cover when shooting their bows. I think this could work well for a single scout ambush encounter at level 5+, and as a special siege unit that the party has to defeat later on.

    Maybe they learn about it from a group of wounded soldiers recounting a recent battle where a castle wall collapsed without warning, and in the chaos three mounted land sharks tore through their ranks until they were ordered to retreat.

  • Between the demand to install an app we are prohibited from even "decipher"ing and the theft of content, I don’t think this service is anything I want to be a part of. I thought they were trying to be something better.

    The contract language that informed my opinion follows.

    When you post Contributions, you grant us a license (including use of your name, trademarks, and logos): By posting any Contributions, you grant us an unrestricted, unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide right, and license to: use, copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, resell, publish, broadcast, retitle, store, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part), and exploit your Contributions (including, without limitation, your image, name, and voice) for any purpose, commercial, advertising, or otherwise, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, your Contributions, and to sublicense the licenses granted in this section.

    As a user of the Services, you agree not to: Except as permitted by applicable law, decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the Services.

  • bcovertigo@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldDayuuum
    6 months ago

    So you took the literal scenario (woman in wheelchair gets insulting comment asking if her disability affects her sexually) and inverted it so that the insultor is disadvantaged against a hypothetical celebrity who causes them social harm. Why? Autism isn’t a fucking pallisade and it shouldn’t be used to counter attack legitimate points. You’re the one doing damage to perceptions of autistic people. Please stop.

  • Black hat and Defcon just ended and I’ll share my impression from LLM related talks given there. Microsoft VPs charged additional money to CISOs attending the summit talking about how AI will disrupt and be the future and blah blah magical thinking.

    Meanwhile Microsoft engineers and others said things like “this is logarithmic regression for people who are bad at math, and is best for cases where 75% accuracy is good enough. Try to break use cases into as many steps as possible and keep the LLM away from any automation that could have any consequences. These systems have no separation between the control plane and user input, which is re-exposing us to problems that were solved 15 years ago.”

    I think there are some neat possibilities that are lost in marketing hype as venture capitalist anger grows that they might have been scammed by yet another hammer in search of nails.

  • I don’t presume to know your situation or the people you’ve dealt with so I’ll be charitable and imagine you cut your losses and quit similar situations in good faith, but you and I are both ignorant about the lives of others. It seems to me like the behavior you label an abandonment of principle leaves the door open to future redemption of a loved one. That’s worth fighting for. On that ground, I think you should stop sharing this opinion even if it’s true for you. If they don’t want to damn their own mother to a propoganda echo chamber full of malice then I’m rooting for them.

  • It’s valid to point out that we have difficulty defining knowledge, but the output from these machines are inconsistent at a conceptual level, and you can easily get them to contradict themselves in the spirit of being helpful.

    If someone told you that a wheel can be made entirely of gas do you have confidence that they have a firm grasp of a wheel’s purpose? Tool use is a pretty widely agreed upon marker of intelligence and so not grasping the purpose of a thing that they can describe at great length and exhaustive detail, while also making boldly incorrect claims on occassion should raise an eyebrow.

  • It seems like you want people to examine their long held beliefs and customs, adopt your view that they are harmful and unethical, and change their behavior to match yours. A change that may have specific hurdles unknown to you for every individual.

    Humans, being social animals, don’t typically react with reason to things that they percieve to be antagonistic. They tend to mirror hostility and are most likely to fight or disengage when facing an opponent, and cleave to the safety of the groups that accept them.

    Just or not, the act of starting an interaction sets the tone. You’re completely justified in attacking villains and shaming them, but when you throw a devil costume on someone I don’t think you should be surprised when you get pitchforked.