Like 15 years ago I was big on a meatball and sauce recipe from him. Loved it, but stopped eating it years ago and can’t find it again.
Like 15 years ago I was big on a meatball and sauce recipe from him. Loved it, but stopped eating it years ago and can’t find it again.
Is your information applicable to the nouveau drivers? I’d understood they’re many years behind in performance and capability but blender has never been in my use case.
This is true. I recently got cassette beasts after wishlisting it on release. After about 20 minutes I looked at my battery and it had dragged down by about 25%.
What a battery hog that one is.
Did you say to throw these cops into a hole.
I think there’s a lot more points of failure than you suggested.
You can make many backup copies of your rom collection. Not so with old discs that are not reading, or carts suffering from bitrot or physical damage.
With retro gaming; emulation IS the way forward. Physical media is more of a display piece for nostalgia maniacs, or an investment for speculators.
That’s what was said when Windows 8 launched, and then again when support ended for Windows 7, and again when extended support ended for Windows 7.
The only thing that ever really had an effect on Linux user numbers was the Steam Deck.
At the warning screen, B A Down A Start Start (Spells BADASS)
Activates cheat mode, and then you can use the password screen to input cheats. But the only one I used is MONEY which starts you with 10,000 dollars or something.
Ha, yes, I remember pretty much the entire Linux community dropped KDE 4. What a time for a rebranding.
Every time one of these comics pop up I do a double take thinking “is she wearing a Soulfly tee?”
You’ve missed the joke. It’s that spaghetti is messy to eat, exaggerated for comic effect to show this date is particularly messy.
But judging by your other comment you seem set more that this comic is telling the tale of some one who’s adopted a child and finding out said child hurls their spaghetti around.
I like to think those internal communications were “goddamnit this torrents got no fucking seeders too!”
Chuck Ragan
If you’ve been reading tech articles long enough, you know when wccftech appears; don’t trust a single word.
Sorry. I don’t know anything like that. The creator of TapRoot method used to provide newsletters talking about how/why he developed it, advantages over other methods, etc.
But I don’t know if he still does.
Recently have seen a video about the 5 why root cause analysis, which talked about a logic tree to find root causes and that was nice. Obvious, but nice to hear about.
Five why has very limited uses in practice when investigation root cause. I teach the basics of Five Why to staff so they can follow up low level incidents without my help, but I make sure to always review their findings.
If there is any meat to an incident I step in with proper root cause analysis like ICAM or TapRoot. With practice you can make short work of incident investigations for even smaller incidents that don’t warrant a significant investigation.
2 and 3 are both the best, and still going hard with fheroes2 and vcmi if anyone hasn’t chomped into them in a while.
I always love this comic when it gets a post here
Consulting. I’ve done a little bit of it before as an occupational hygiene consultant. In a 2 week period I’d done air quality tests at a sulphuric acid processing plant, noise dosimetry at a bread factory, management system audit at Shell petroleum, and reviewed findings of air quality tests at a building where half the workers were “getting sick all the time”.
But it’s not consistent work, and if you go into business for yourself; 1- good luck finding the work, and 2- have fun spending months chasing up invoices.
And if ever unsure, look up Firefox on flathub; every app page shows the command line instructions for installing and for running it.