Just keeping tabs on who is doing what in govt makes you way more informed for elections. Speaking out for things you want to see/change can sway how things turn out.
Federal govt gets all the focus (especially lately) but for a lot of things state and local govt is where it’s at. For example marijuana is STILL illegal on a federal level but more and more states are fine with it. Gun laws seem to have had a lot of change on a state level too.
For my area local (city/township) govt runs fire, ems, small business initiatives, zoning and events. County govt runs minor road maintenance, emergency management, hazmat/drone stuff etc.
And state govt does a ton of major road work, big picture planning and lawmaking and will sometimes tell the federal govt to pound sand.
Not complete darkness. I got a nice warm led night light (these ones, love em) just bright enough that I can see what I’m doing. But yeah going spa mode after a long cold day is very nice
It’s been working fine for me. I use the app Boost
You think him not being mentioned is a coincidence? I think it’s mainstream media doing damage control to reel in their prior reporting. Since he was at large for a while his face and later his name was EVERYWHERE. In cases of mass shootings the shooter is almost never mentioned or named anymore. There’s a reason for that
Media plays a big part in encouraging copycats looking for their weeks of infamy. In the past it used to be serial killers, then years ago it was mass shootings, and thanks to the instant stardom they gave Luigi the near future could very well be more assassinations.
Right or wrong his success was demonstrating that being rich doesn’t mean someone is untouchable.
Idk anything about roombas, but aside from those basic algorithms I assume there’s a ton of telemetry going back to corporate
My dad was a dispatcher and if your center is anything like his you guys are overworked and overlooked way too often. Thanks for all you do!
Tell them it was a mistake, not an accident lol
I had a friend of mine bump the emergency assistance button in a rental car, and when he told them it was an accident they were like “how bad is anybody hurt?” and all that
Pedialite is great for rehydrating
The pilots would be evading hard so the center is moving around a lot too
On the other hand fuck pigeons and seagulls
Spoken like a real shareholder
The more guns and ammo you have the less you’ll have to use them
If you have some time check out the Hardcore History Addendum episode “Superhumanly Inhuman” that delves into the nazis and the Holocaust. I just started it a few days ago
If people are serious about this sort of thing they’ll have to realize it’s not about freeing Luigi but being Luigi
I don’t condone illegal acts, just pointing out where that line of thought goes
The reason why police have a ton of “militarized” equipment us because the military puts a lot of gear up for sale as surplus. Our county sheriffs picked up an old hummvee and MRAP for practically nothing.
Cybertrucks aren’t mil surp. Maybe years from now but not anytime soon
We need to bring command and conquer back for this
Streamlight’s Ultrastinger? Link
hell’s kitchen is real
I wonder if the Rainbow Six book and games got the title from those plans