I don’t think he even cares. He wants to appeal to MAGA’s bosses.
In 4 years, if Dems take back power, he will make a vibrant speech about the need for diversity and to tackle fake news.
I don’t think he even cares. He wants to appeal to MAGA’s bosses.
In 4 years, if Dems take back power, he will make a vibrant speech about the need for diversity and to tackle fake news.
They do. But you need to reduce the generation to make sure you don’t heat up too much the water for the ecosystem that lives in. Less water means the temperature difference before and after the plant is higher. That’s the constrain.
Prices capped have nothing to do with nuclear energy and everything to do with stupid EU price policy.
France used to have a monopoly by a state owned company on electrIcity: EDF. But everyone knows that’s terrible, and private market is the way to go. At the time, electricity in France was the cheapest across Europe, but it’s still terrible because… well that HAD to change!
In order to introduce some competition, generation, network and “distribution” (billing…) activities were separated.
Then private distributors (again: billing companies with 0 generation capabilites and 0 grid network) were allocated some quota of electricity from the nuclear electricity generated by EDF at low cost.
In addition, and that’s the European policy: electricity price on the market would be set at the cost of the most expensive generator at a given time. Example: 100% nuclear today: cost is set at cost of nuclear. 95% of electricity from nuclear, 5% from gas: 100% of the electricity that day is billed at cost of gas! 80% nuclear, 15% gas, 5% coal: 100% of the electricity billed at cost of coal!
Why? So that the priate newcomer would get huge benefits and be able to invest in electricity generation. But: there was 0 constrain in doing so, so they just rack up benefits at the expense of EDF and clients! Even better: since they get such low prices from their quota, they’re cheaper than the EDF split distributor company. So at some point, their quota was insufficient for their client’s demand. Time to invest… hahaha! No I’m kidding: time to ask for a bigger quota, of course granted by Macron and his team.
Then came Ukraine invasion. Uh oooh! Gas price exploses, even the “distributors” start to feel the pain. What to do? Well, kick out their clients! Refure to renew contracts, or ask for such a ridicuously high price to make sure they just go! EDF’s hisorical distribution company is legally obligated to take them back. And that’s where the 2nd joke kicks in: EDF gave s much quota of nuclear electricity that they no longer have enough for these clients they have to take. No worries: the “distributors” sold back the electricity quota… at market price, ie mostly gas price!
With the price of gas multiplied n times determining the cost of the whole production, it became unbearable for clients. That’s where genius Macron and Lemaire (Minister of Economy) set a “shield” (cap) on the bills. It’s no shield nor cap. It’s actually the state of France paying the difference in the bills between the actual bill and the cap they set. That’s public money!
And again, that money didn’t go to resources. It went straight to “distributors” (rather call them parasites).
For sure, the heavy maintenance work on the nuclear power plant done at the time didn’t help. They decided to do it on all plants at once (another bad call) and it lasted longer than planned.
But the price issue has nothing to do with nuclear and everything to do with stupid policies.
And now, lesson learned (not): Spain and Portugal got out of that absurd elecricity market. Germany and France (and many other countries) made a few changes and keep going. Because competition with multiple private actors in electricity is good. Can’t you see it??
You should be more undersantding. Since Trump is now enraged because people call Musk the President, Musk needs to find a backup country where he’ll be called the leader before Trump kicks him out. That’s all just risk mitigation!
I was more thinking about the day they take the containers out, and the trucks rotation. If they do it once a week, imagine the smell and how many trucks they need…
Am I the only one who worries first about trash collection day than pizza delivery (wildly unpopular in China btw)?
I usually feel so immersed when playing white haired super-ripped giants with magic powers. It’s as if they were a second me, except for the hair, size, muscles, facial traits, strength and magic powers.
All inventions being based on some previous work, is it not the Wright who invented the airplane, and Lilienthal who invented the glider?
This is obviously fake. That’s what other CEOs think, not Musk.
The only duty of CEO Musk is to himself!
I buy social medias and news outlets. Then I weaponize them to support a clueless gullible idiot candidate for POTUS.
I use my influence on him to get a position that will allow me to get grossly richer by favoring my own businesses, including crushing unions and force my employees to work to death on low wages.
When I reach 1 trillion $, I’ll have much more resources to improve the planet and living conditions of my fellow humans.
But wait! Maybe I could do even more for humankind with 2 trillions $??
That would be such an unexpected plot twist! (No)
Since they’re about to let go all of these gov employees, they will need a lot of money to hire consulting companies for pretty much everything. That’s what started happening in France and Canada already.
These private companies consultants are so much more efficient and cheaper than low paid gov employees who’ve been running the ship for decades. You totally believe it, right?
If these tracks are in the US, so I am. So I shoot the other guy with the gun(s) I usually carry around when I go out and then pull the lever.
In these companies, does anyone check the licenses in details to make sure using them is ok for the company?
Meta will get at least the metadata: meaning they will record who was in which call connecting from where.
For example, if one member is visiting a client, Meta may be able to infer the relation between the 2 companies.
If any of the people in the room click “report”, then the discussion is sent for review without the encryption protection
I’m pretty sure their user agreement translates to “you agree to let us do whatever the f*ck we want with the data you’re purposely disclosing to us”.
And last but not least: if Meta decides to wipe the archives, any info get lost?
There a reasons large companies ban unauthorized apps to talk about work.
XMPP is so bad it was the baseline for Whatsapp. You know: that minor platform that feels like IRC and never took off. A lot of the techno around you are old stuff that evolved, “new” techno usually comes with new unexpected issues. Then they mature, get better and… old?
Hollywood used to be concerned about climate change awareness, and we could hear superstars actors making poignant speeches about it.
Then they figured that being serious about it meant stop flying private jets and helicopters, stop over consuming by building 4 mansions for themselves and collecting cars and what not, and it became a sensitive topic.
Climate change is something most people are willing to fight for only if the solution is OTHERS will have to make changes.
You wish. Orban controls all the media there now. You can be sure the narrative is “Ukraine is just punishing them unfairly for calling for a ceasefire and negociations” or anothe nice story that will make them look bad.
I’m responding to
Meaning all Israeli civilians that ever served in the IDF suddenly count as military targets.
If you do what “they” do as a way to retaliate, are you any different from “them”? We need to be better than that.
It’s not how much money you’re pouring on it. It’s not that “it’s not working”.
Fake news enraging idiots who will vomit their hate all over and get into clashes is the highest earning formula for the business. And in a time where the new ruler of the USA is himself a big fan of hate speeches, while the EU and some other countries are ready to hammer Meta over their poor moderation, it’s also a strategic political move.
So the idea is to allow fake news and hate speecher while making big claims about freedom of speech and appeal to MAGA’s kindergarden bosses in hope they’ll defend him against evil regulators.
That’s all it is.