In the last ten years or so …
American fascist body count (including mass shootings, vehicle incidents): thousands
Antifascist body count: idk like 3?
They aren’t wrong though, anti fascists do want to overthrow the US government, because the US government is a thinly veiled fascist entity. So of course anti fascists would want to end fascism in America.
FBI correctly identifies the necessary praxis of anti-fascism and anti-racism in a racist country with a major fascist party.
You aren’t going to end racism or fight fascism solely with love and peace: not completely and certainly not forever.
Despite liberal boot licking, the alphabet agencies like the FBI & CIA aren’t going to save us from fascism, because THEY ARE fascism.
If someone tells you they’re anti-fascist and anti-racist and you take offense to that, you might be the US government.