Ban company/organisations from political donations. Companies don’t vote.
Ban politicians from taking board positions or employment from political donors for 20 years
It’s ridiculous that these sorts of things aren’t already banned. But I guess politicians get to make their own rules.
They are not going to take away one of the most lucrative jobs a politician can have after leaving politics
None of this is surprising but it’s good to get the names of these people. This sort of shit rambling about elites works in the US and UK, so of course it works here too.
The other right-wing think tank involved was the Centre for Independent Studies (they always have such ironic names). Coincidentally, both Warren Mundine and Jacinta Price are connected with them too.
It’s good to see the evidence, but it was no real secret that the big private mining company owners were all scared as hell about the Voice.
Of course they can’t come out and admit that. But it’s still hilarious (in a really shit way) when people still proudly admit that the voted ‘no’ to keep Australia ‘fair and egalitarian’.
Err, no. At least 20% of the population was swayed through some astroturfing by Australia’s most wealthy toffs.