Just in case you thought this was only a Florida problem.
So here’s what we do: we start a TikTok challenge. “Nickname November” or something like that, where you use a different name every day of the month for maximum confusion. Get a couple classes doing it, especially if there are any trans kids in the school, and you can see how far you can stress the system.
For the schools that require physical signatures, that’ll piss people off right quick. For the ones that just use an automated email and call it a day, toss in a twist: have each student loudly announce their new name at the start of every class, AA style. Heck, get the school announcer in on it. “Chess club on Wednesday has been cancelled, and Squidward Jones is now going by Jackie McJackson Johnstone.”
They want a ridiculous law to be followed? Okay, here you go.
I’m with this in spirit but I don’t think I’d encourage that unless I knew one of my kids teachers was lgbtq-phobic. This will be a lot of hassle for a lot of teachers that couldn’t give two shits about nicknames and pronouns. Driving them to quit won’t change any policies except for policies that push kids into private and charter schools.
If I were a teacher, I’d rather my students did something maliciously compliant than just go along with this idiot policy in silence. Kids have to learn to stand up for what’s right sometime, you know? I want the next generation to know that sometimes, authority really, really needs to be questioned.
It’d be a real shame if all the students who aren’t on board with the intent of that law were to request a different name/pronoun at every opportunity to tie up school personnel with notification paperwork (since HB 1608 Full text, PDF specifies that the notification is to be done in writing). Certainly hope they don’t do that or administrators might start complaining to elected officials.
Man I would be requesting a new nickname daily…
“I feel like a ‘Dickhead’ today. Can you please process the formal request for that to be my nickname?”
Crippling public schools with meaningless busu work is a happy side affect for the people that came up with these laws. There has been a GOP led war on oublic education for the past 30 years
non-american here. I knew the conservatives in your country were bad but holy shit
I guarantee there are equally bad conservatives in your country. Keep them very far away from the levers of power.
I live in Indiana…I had to sign a form yesterday allowing teachers to call my son Ben instead of Benjamin. Otherwise it would literally be illegal. Fuck these fascists…
Wow government so small it fits in your pocket, so convenient!
Sorry you have to deal with that bs