Hmmm…almost exact 15 years after the 2007 MS design patent on Calibri (which had a duration of 15 years) they switch to a new, alternative Office-exclusive font for the next 15 years.
Only to be used ‘freely’ for personal use and again probibited to be bundled with, let’s say, other products like LibreOffice.
It’s all about lock-in and revenue, plain and simple. The same business strategy like Apple with the default San Francisco font and Adobe with the default Minion Pro font. I understand why they do it this way, I just don’t like it.
Aptos was created by Steve Matteson, who is also responsible for Windows 3.1’s original TrueType fonts (including Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New) as well as Segoe, which has been Windows’ default system font since Vista and is also used for Microsoft’s current logo.
Fuckin’ hell though. You gotta respect someone who’s been in the game that long. And his one, single, sole job is fonts. That’s dedication. Or maybe just a gravy train. But either way, dude has predicated an entire career on how letters look. Mad respect.
(Insert old guy meme here) In my time we used Times New Roman. Then it went to Arial.