“Today I feel like I am fucking corrupted sock-sucker.”
Full commitment to the dark side. These cunts are fucked and really give the game a terrible, terrible international reputation.
I feel like there needs to be riots or something, we need to be not allowing this shit.
They’re fucking the world cup ffs.
Where is the “surprise surprise” meme? We literally rescheduled an entire WC because Qatar bought it, and then built their stadiums with slaves. Saudi Arabia seeking to ironically host a women’s WC, lmao. Now it’s newsworthy that Saudi oil will be FIFA’s biggest sponsor. I am not saying any corporation or country is necessarily the moral “highroad”, but the Arabian Peninsula isn’t even close….
Who was the previous biggest paying sponsor?
Terrorist state
for fucks sake Aramco is literally everywhere. what’s next? Are they going to break into my house?
Today I feel wealthy
We thought Blatter and his predecessors were as bad as it got………
Narrator: it was not as bad as it got
‘This is a wonderful development, and I endorse this partnership fully’ Infantino’s bank manager was quoted as saying.
This is how bribes are paid.
And like that FIFA’s credibility has dropped even further
Quelle surprise.
Wake me after the football bubble bursts, pls.
Of course they are gonna get the WC. Fifa is corrupt
One question for all of you wanting FIFA to be penalized.
Who is supposed to do it. FIFA is a non-profit…ekhm…“non-profit” non-governmental organization. The only instance which FIFA can be sued to is CAS, which can only be a judge if FIFA was breaking its own rules.You’re not breaking your own rules if you change your own rules.