It truly is the century of the Linux desktop.
linux usage hits one tuxillion % truly the millenia of the linux desktop
We’re already like a quarter if the way. Maybe next century
Linux hit 5%?
Not yet. But whoo boy, when it does…
It’ll be the topic of major news outlets the world around. The BBC will have a live interview with the developers of Mint and Bazzite, governments will decide to invest in opensource to replace Windows, Mac and any other closed source viruses, there will be a Linux User Foundation that collects money purely for linux (unlike the Linux Foundation) where people can apply for jobs to work on the kernel with entry-level positions like intern and junior, the Opensource User Foundation will be founded to propagate opensource wherever and whenever possible, … it’ll be glorious!
We will truly enter a better world, all thanks for 5% penguin.It will be the inflection point where we hit exponential growth. A few days later we’ll be at 1024% adoption as people start running VMS inside VMS of different distros
It has been in exponential growth since the signal was distinguishable from the noise, and exponentials do not have inflection points…
The only inflection we can expect is when it reaches 1/4 of saturation.
You’ll forgive me if I ever-so-briefly misread your boilerplate link as “And then I woke up.”
It’ll be the year of the Linux desktop!
Bazzite ?
I think OP is the grandma in this scenario and just hit puberty in real life.
It’s hit 50% for me. Well probably more like 75% because I use WSL a lot.