Hello fellow lemmings! Fedora KDE user here, and quite happy about it, it didn’t break a single time and packages are up to date. The only thing that bother me is DNF’s speed… a single search
may take up to 5 seconds, and if I’m dependency-hunting I may need several searches, summing up the delays. I’m asking if switching to openSUSE Tumbleweed could be a good idea or not. The idea of the rolling release is really intriguing, whole system upgrades always makes me nervous, and zypper, being written in C++, should be faster than DNF.
I would stick to Wayland KDE, as my current fedora setup.
Other than this, I don’t see any other obvious pros or cons, so I’m asking you: why should I switch and why shouldn’t I? any tips from someone who used both?
thanks in advance!
I love the branding and general concept of openSUSE, and YAST is amazing, but I absolutely hate the dependency hell they have going on with their “patterns”. Patterns are metapackages, so a pattern basically just refers to other packages and installs a whole bunch of them. It just gets really messy once a pattern may refer to another pattern to make sure that everything it needs is installed. I’m not sure if that still is the case these days, but I found it really confusing and difficult to get the distro install only the stuff I want and need and trim down on anything else. You can already do this in the mighty installer or try it after installation, but both ways, patterns really got in my way. You may see the same pattern be suggested in multiple categories if I remember right, and if you overlook it only once, updates will pull all that stuff again. I would love to use openSUSE, it has a lot going for it, but that package management is a nightmare and one of the worst I have encountered during distro hopping, thanks to those patterns.