I am enjoying this series so much. We are only 2 episodes in and it’s just so creative. Only watching one a week as I understand it’s sort of depressing but it is gorgeous.
I really love it as well, got me thinking that they were trying out the idea of superhabitable worlds: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superhabitable_planet
I just started last week and loved the world building so far. Excited to keep watching, but also not binging.
I honestly only kind of care about the “story” and just want to watch a documentary about all the weird shit happening in the environment around them.
It’s an incredibly inventive setting. I’m struggling with the animation a little, I think it doesn’t do much to convey emotion; faces all seem weirdly stiff (especially coming off the back of Pantheon), but I really like the art style and the way the world is depicted. Very Ghibli (reminds me especially of Nausicaa).
I guess I’m against the flow on this one. Everyone has been raving about it, but after halfway through the second I gave up.
I found it really slow, does that change?
Yes and no. I finished the show and the last episode or so has more action, but it’s a pretty slow burn the whole season.
It does get more character/plot-focused as it goes on, which ironically while I wish it stayed more like the first few episodes would probably appeal to you more in that sense.
Thanks, I’ll push ahead and give it some more time.