I love how this dude refuses to acually run against Kamala. It not a black man, it’s not Obama, you’re running against doofus, it’s a Black Woman. And, unless you’re a police officer, that’s at least 10x scarier for you.
What’s to run against? It’s an election entirely on aesthetic. Do you want to old fat cat cigar smoking business dude or the lean mean latte sipping girl boss to rubber stamp our next genocide shipment to Israel and blame China for climate change?
Maybe we get a SCOTUS judge to start issuing 5-4 rulings against fundamental democratic principles instead of a 6-3, if we’re lucky.
As much as I know Kamala is the status quo which is not my bag either for many reasons (genocide being one), I know things can be much worse. And, unless you’re an accelerationist (doubtful from a .world-er), isn’t it better to not give ultimate power over genocide or expulsion of immigrants to this supreme egomaniac?
isn’t it better to not give ultimate power over genocide or expulsion of immigrants to this supreme egomaniac?
Unfortunately, you’ve got a Democrat running who is openly courting John Negroponte, Jeff Flake, and the Cheneys.
If Harris puts Liz Cheney into a cabinet position, like State or Intelligence or DHS, that’s exactly where we end up. We’ve just traded a loud borish egomaniac for a quieter and more sophisticated one.
Even if she doesn’t, there’s a murderers row of liberal-ish insiders who seem perfectly content to join shooting wars with Iran, Pakistan, Venezuela, China, half a dozen African nations, Mexico… Nevermind that proxy war with Russia we’re already in.
unless you’re an accelerationist
Accelerationism isn’t a philosophy, it’s a coping mechanism. You get to pretend enshittification was your plan all along and not a disaster fully outside your control.
I love how this dude refuses to acually run against Kamala. It not a black man, it’s not Obama, you’re running against doofus, it’s a Black Woman. And, unless you’re a police officer, that’s at least 10x scarier for you.
What’s to run against? It’s an election entirely on aesthetic. Do you want to old fat cat cigar smoking business dude or the lean mean latte sipping girl boss to rubber stamp our next genocide shipment to Israel and blame China for climate change?
Maybe we get a SCOTUS judge to start issuing 5-4 rulings against fundamental democratic principles instead of a 6-3, if we’re lucky.
As much as I know Kamala is the status quo which is not my bag either for many reasons (genocide being one), I know things can be much worse. And, unless you’re an accelerationist (doubtful from a .world-er), isn’t it better to not give ultimate power over genocide or expulsion of immigrants to this supreme egomaniac?
Unfortunately, you’ve got a Democrat running who is openly courting John Negroponte, Jeff Flake, and the Cheneys.
If Harris puts Liz Cheney into a cabinet position, like State or Intelligence or DHS, that’s exactly where we end up. We’ve just traded a loud borish egomaniac for a quieter and more sophisticated one.
Even if she doesn’t, there’s a murderers row of liberal-ish insiders who seem perfectly content to join shooting wars with Iran, Pakistan, Venezuela, China, half a dozen African nations, Mexico… Nevermind that proxy war with Russia we’re already in.
Accelerationism isn’t a philosophy, it’s a coping mechanism. You get to pretend enshittification was your plan all along and not a disaster fully outside your control.
It’s the 😂 emoji of political thought.