bourgeois rag says what
Donald Joseph Boudreaux (born September 10, 1958) is a libertarian American economist, author, professor, and co-director of the Program on the American Economy and Globalization at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
By dropping prices during the evacuation, the airlines ensured that flights filled up more quickly, making it harder for many to escape.
Bro I just… Wtf
“Poors were allowed to escape before the rich, and it is unacceptable.”
Don’t you know? If your airline prices are higher you have more plane capacity!
making it harder for many* to escape.
many: rich people
Corpo media has an entire subgenre of itself that could be called “ACTUALLY.”
“And, obviously, price is the SOLE mechanism we have to limit purchases. I mean, sure, we could simply not allow one dude to back up a dumptruck to push 10,000 rolls of toilet paper into-”
*crowd interrupts with cheers*
"But-BUT that would be Un-American and communist! And my father died fighting those commies!
“So that will be $65 a roll if you want to wipe your ass”
I get a lot of mileage out of sharing this diagram:
This is the Marxist equivalent of “The mitochondria is the power house of the cell”.
Pretty much, DiaMat and Historical Materialism is the foundation of any good Marxist and should be studied first.
The immortal science of Marxism. :)