Unfortunately we don’t have polls in lemmy. Nonetheless I’d love to hear from you: What’s your favourite Star Trek theme and/or your favourite scene with special (background) music?
For example: My favourite theme is TNG and my favourite scene is Cochrane’s warp speed flight in First Contact with Steppenwolf’s “Magic Carpet Ride”.
TNG is also my favourite theme, but my favourite scene with music is the flute song Picard plays for his son’s birth in “The Inner Light” (especially the reprise at the end with the real flute from the probe).
First Contact main theme > all
It’s quite a lovely piece. Which is completely incongruous with the tone of the film.
Enterprise theme song is GOAT
I haven’t been awake long and can’t think of a specific scene with background music
It’s been a looong road…
… getting from there to here…