It’s hey_ross - glad to be here as a backup when/if (but mostly when) reddit shuts the apes down.
Been a SS lurker for years. Found my way here today from a comment in the GME subreddit. SS has become a complete shitshow. I had no idea how comprised the mods were until this week after Gensler confirmed heat lamp DD. Obviously words getting out about this new place here and I hope it continues to gain new members. Glad to be here!
It sure has been a spicy couple of weeks!
Glad you made it over here 😊
What’s up Ross! Glad your here…I just arrived a few hours ago myself. Looking forward to eventually meeting everyone
Hey ross! I just arrived here too and for the same reason. Let’s see how this community grows.
Otherwise, I’ll just go to my favorite forum called “SEC Rule Proposals”
You made it. Excellent. Welcome to the fediverse. Bring your friends
Hey, Hey_Ross! Welcome!