Tree-sitter became more widespread and Emacs took notice and included a bunch of -ts-mode as alternatives to -mode into the core. This is good news and a welcome change, but I have some concerns about the approach.
When I first saw the Tree-sitter talk by Max Brunsfeld I was concerned that the language highlighting “fix” they’re talking about is too much.
I love the new treesit faces. But agree when literally everything has an attention drawing color, then nothing does.
What works for me is to disable special colors for variable use, only var declartion.
(or (car custom-enabled-themes) 'user) ; current theme
;; attention drawing color for var definitions.
`(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "cyan" :background "black"))))
;; normal color for var-use. To avoid color spagetti. (new treesit face)
`(font-lock-variable-use-face ((t :inherit default))))
I love the new treesit faces. But agree when literally everything has an attention drawing color, then nothing does.
What works for me is to disable special colors for variable use, only var declartion.