@musicproduction How did you learn music production, primarily?
Interested in how people came to it: self taught, took classes, grew up in a musical family and was immersed, etc? And what strengths or weaknesses do you feel it brought you?
@musicproduction How did you learn music production, primarily?
Interested in how people came to it: self taught, took classes, grew up in a musical family and was immersed, etc? And what strengths or weaknesses do you feel it brought you?
I’m an ageing English human hobbyist musician and pretty much learn ‘on the hoof’ and usually by making lots of mistakes. I’m an experimentalist and just enjoy what audio is doing at a given time and in the presence of other audio.
I’m not from a musical family or anything, have no training but I don’t think I’m a useless producer… I just need to continue learning stuff