The mystery remains but we certainly can splice our genetic code without sterility or death. There are various FDA approved therapies doing just so to treat genetic diseases such as sickle cell, hemophilia, certain types of DMD, and retinopathies.
Oh it’s certainly possible to do. Just that it’s incredibly dangerous, which is why there is an extremely rigorous testing regime in place, taking many, many years, which must be completed before any particular therapy is approved. Many proposed therapies are never able to successfully complete testing because the most common side effects by far are sterility and death.
The mystery remains but we certainly can splice our genetic code without sterility or death. There are various FDA approved therapies doing just so to treat genetic diseases such as sickle cell, hemophilia, certain types of DMD, and retinopathies.
Oh it’s certainly possible to do. Just that it’s incredibly dangerous, which is why there is an extremely rigorous testing regime in place, taking many, many years, which must be completed before any particular therapy is approved. Many proposed therapies are never able to successfully complete testing because the most common side effects by far are sterility and death.