Agreed. Wasps, on the other hand, are flying terrorists, and must be squashed into a fine paste on sight
Many species of wasp are important pollinators
More like accidental pollinators that could easily be replaced by doing a better job protecting bees.
Should clarify, though: I specifically mean (anti)social wasps, the ones who build hives and go around harassing everyone. Solitary wasps are pretty chill afaik so they can stay.
And now they’ve pollinated my shoe with their guts.
Seriously though, you’re right, but when a bee comes into my home I catch and release, when a wasp invades it’s search and destroy. While screaming terrified of course
and ticks. and gnats. and mosquitos. awful, every one of em.
The other day I hit a cockroach that was in a wall and stomped it twice. I stopped because my friend said it could get splatted and leave a stain on the floor.
I may be a psicho
Fuck spiders, kill them all. Extermination is the final solution to the arthropod problem. MAMMAL PRIDE WORLD WIDE