Long, long story short, but I didn’t even get banned from SS. I got my account(s) permanently suspended by reddit. (side note, reddit does not like if you overwrite and delete your account history every evening, just an fyi) Jsmar was the last decent SS mod. What happened to Half_dane, btw? Disappeared one day and that was it? He was probably a Rensole alt as best as I can figure.
There’s probably nobody here that remembers who I was over my main/alt accounts, but I kept track and still keep track of users through RES and take notes. Every day, for years. I’m not going to go so far as to say ALL of the mods are plants at this point, but it’s pretty close. SS sub is mostly spam accounts/bots/planted accounts/15-year-olds at this point. I have them all tagged and update my records when they do spam/bot things. There’s almost no posters/commenters at this point that I haven’t tagged, and I was suspended the day before thanksgiving last year. TL;DR There’s not a lot of new users that comment in SS over the last year.
At any rate, hello. Nice to have a voice again.
I have some other devices I still downvote and report that stupid fucking starfish with every morning. The running 7.41 guy, and the dtcc comment guy. Then after market close I hit the sideways trading guy and the fucking “tomorrow” spammer.
None of those have anything to do with GME, all violate rule 2, and the mods certainly don’t care to enforce the sub rules unless it hurts their personal feelers.
And as a final “hello” because this is a DRS GME sub. All my shit is DRSd, and I still don’t believe it will actually do anything even if 200% of the outstanding shares are locked up in CS. There’s bigger problems in the system and they’re not gonna let their profit center collapse just because some retail folks bought up all the shares on paper. But they might, so I’m watching on the sidelines with the rest of you.
It is nice too see more and more Apes moving here. I am done with Reddit, SS seems compromised.
Love when people keep receipts. Welcome to the instance!
Receipts are the winning tickets. If for nothing else than “I fucking told you so”
I made a lot of friends on SS I still talk with. Reasonable, rationale people interested in discussion vs hopium. And I made a lot of enemies. Unfortunately, a lot of those enemies were the people that were mis-managing the sub.
Welcome! I feel the same way. I hope we didn’t have any bad blood back on SS, I tried to be nice but grumpiness occasionally gets the better of me. Same handle.
Fuck Superstonk. Never forget: we were herded there amid nonsense mod drama. The name of Superstonk doesn’t have any meaning that ties it to GME. This is to prevent people from finding it easily. I think it’s always been compromised, meant to keep us separated from the rest of the internet
Fuck Reddit and fuck Superstonk!
Well if you are here, you probably already know what you want.
For me it’s transparency and accountability, and freedom of speech!
Welcome! Happy to have you here.
I miss Jsmar too. He was last seen in the meltdown sub showing disappointment that the mods were defending their latest addition who drew hentai of canonically underage characters.
Half Dane is still on haitus I think. Not sure if they’re going to come back from it or not at this point. Things definitely relaxed for a bit after they went. Didn’t last though unfortunately.
I’d be very curious to see how you’ve labelled us as well as others in this database! Could be a good learning moment for how we come across within the community. Is it something you’ve considered sharing, or would it give the game away to bad actors?