I believe I saw it a few years ago in one of those “what are your favorite/underappreciated comedy sketches?” posts. I think it might have been from one of those shows I’d heard of but never watched, like The State or Upright Citizens Brigade.

Woman to the left, seated, probably white. Man to the right, standing, holding chains, painted all gray. Probably white underneath the paint. Curly hair? When we first see him, his mouth is held wide open, and it’s also all gray inside.

He’s pissed off that he’s been dragged all the way back to the world of the living. She said she had just gotten the cheap kit to do it at somewhere like Hot Topic or Walmart, and was doing it as a joke, not thinking in a million years it would actually work. She was just bored and had maybe been drinking a little.

They catch up awkwardly. He talks about how the torment sucks in hell or purgatory or whatever.

Oh, and the song…I think it had “alley cat” in the lyrics. Was most likely a real song, but I’d never heard it.

She should have used tipofmytongue instead.