Download opera for android, look at your firewall logs. Map the IPs it connects to, ask yourself why it connects to a field in mainland China near a research university.
as I said in another reply, using more layers of encryption and hiding should solve the problem to a reasonable degree. and as another reply said, often we get a bit too worked up after the idea of privacy to the point where it begins being beyond reason.
as I said in another reply, using more layers of encryption and hiding should solve the problem to a reasonable degree. and as another reply said, often we get a bit too worked up after the idea of privacy to the point where it begins being beyond reason.
I would not want to use an app that did that. Encryption will not matter if the browser itself is sending telemetry somewhere you would rather it did not.
as I said in another reply, using more layers of encryption and hiding should solve the problem to a reasonable degree. and as another reply said, often we get a bit too worked up after the idea of privacy to the point where it begins being beyond reason.
Download opera for android, look at your firewall logs. Map the IPs it connects to, ask yourself why it connects to a field in mainland China near a research university.
There are no rich people without connections.
as I said in another reply, using more layers of encryption and hiding should solve the problem to a reasonable degree. and as another reply said, often we get a bit too worked up after the idea of privacy to the point where it begins being beyond reason.
as I said in another reply, using more layers of encryption and hiding should solve the problem to a reasonable degree. and as another reply said, often we get a bit too worked up after the idea of privacy to the point where it begins being beyond reason.
I would not want to use an app that did that. Encryption will not matter if the browser itself is sending telemetry somewhere you would rather it did not.
as I said in another reply, using more layers of encryption and hiding should solve the problem to a reasonable degree. and as another reply said, often we get a bit too worked up after the idea of privacy to the point where it begins being beyond reason.