ingredient suppliers: pay us more bc inflation
restaurants: ok
property owners: pay us more bc inflation
restaurants: ok
CEO’s: pay us more bc inflation
restaurants: ok
workers: pay us more bc inflation
restaurants: are you crazy? we’d have to raise prices! it would ruin us!
Misleading tweet
he didn’t mention the part where the burrito is now 1/2 the size
so it’s actually 8x the original price
And probably made with inferior ingredients.
it’s possible but I don’t think American food standards have gotten worse in the last 15 years (2009 was 15 years ago)
That’s interesting. They got worse here. The solid version of watered down. So your ‘made with 100% …’ is no longer e.g. 100% wholewheat. It just means the wholewheat in the recipe is 100% wholewheat. The overall wheat content is lower, replaced by a percentage of whatever is cheaper at any given time. Or made with ‘100% beef’, of which there will be some in there. But pork fat or horse gristle will be listed as a separate ingredient lol. It all changes from batch to batch. I’m surprised that doesn’t happen in the US. Maybe it’s always been like that, here and there.
The other day I was trying to explain this “made with 100% whatever” concept to a coworker.
A HFCS fruit drink might say “made with 100% real juice”, but that real juice could be like 2% of the total recipe when the rest is HFCS, dyes and flavorings. It’s one of those technically true things and it’s enough to skirt FDA labeling requirements, and a lot of people are dumb enough to be taken in by it and believe they’re drinking a real product.
Oh juice is the prime example! The other twist is ‘made with 100% fresh juice’. Thank you very much for not adding rotten fruit into my long-life carton but don’t you think it’s a stretch to put a ‘fresh’ label anywhere near this thing that’s been in your warehouse for a year and will sit in the back of my cupboard for another few months?
This is 100% true and a demonstration of the dominant power of capital under capitalism.
At the same time, don’t forget that even if minimum wage were pegged to inflation, there would still be expropriated surplus labor domestically as well as imperialism internationally. I’ve seen socialists get sucked into fights over the minimum wage and eventually lose their sense od priorities and messaging until they are indistinguishable from “progressive” liberals in both word and action.
Americans have developed the Taco Bell theory of labor
I feel like this is hardly even a particularly bad example.