I haven’t. Aside from the short term effect of having to sleep the whole next day after a trip, there isn’t anything I can notice.
However, as my tolerance and experience grows I am finding that sleep is coming easier.
I cured my road rage permanently so I’m sure a doctor somewhere has something colourful to say about that.
@remotelove nope, can’t think of any negative effect at all…
Cool. I just ate another 5g or more?
Ill see you on the moon, brother! Maybe mars? I dunno. The world is currently melting around me, so I’ll get back with you when I am back. Cheers!
@remotelove enjoy the ride my friend!
On a serious note, what is the most you have consumed in one go?
@remotelove uhm… I think I might have gone up to 7 probably? dont think i reached 10 ever… but take this numbers with a grain of salt
It just so happens I like grains of salt!
I feel like Alice tonight and am curious about how deep the rabbit hole goes.
How far did it go?
Not far enough it seems.
I am about to eat 8 grams now, so wish me luck!