I posted here a while back when my glass bed failed. One of the suggestions was to replace with Garolite or G10. My sheet finally arrived and i set about cutting it down to size.

Within 4cm, my basically unused jigsaw blade was worn flat, and by the end of the first cut (20cm), there is basically no more teeth.

For the second side, I tried using a multitool cutter, and within a few millimeters it was visibly blunt (plastic and metal tools). Finished it off with a standard wood hand saw, which seemed to go better.

So warning to anyone considering garolite, dont use power tools, it will fuck them up.

  • HootinNHollerin@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I milled G10 the other day. Maybe use a router if don’t have access to a mill and don’t wanna have a local shop do it for ya. Wear a mask