A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco::A Waymo car was destroyed in San Francisco as a crowd began vandalizing it and ultimately set the car on fire. Nobody was in the vehicle at the time.
A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco::A Waymo car was destroyed in San Francisco as a crowd began vandalizing it and ultimately set the car on fire. Nobody was in the vehicle at the time.
It really, really isn’t common.
Here’s an NBC report from two years ago: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/investigations/breaking-point-sf-suffers-highest-rate-of-car-break-ins-compared-to-atlanta-dc-dallas-la/2731757/
The TL;DR is that the top cities in terms of car break-ins (per 1,000 people) are:
San Francisco - 19.8 Seattle - 19.7 Atlanta - 12.9 D.C. - 10.4 Dallas - 7.8 Houston - 7.5 L.A. - 6.0
That shit ain’t normal. Outside of San Francisco and apparently Seattle. The whole rest of the country doesn’t have this problem.