“We don’t need no culture except revolutionary culture. What we mean by that is a culture that will free you. You heard your Field Lieutenant talking about a fire in the room, didn’t you? What you worry about when you got a fire in this room? You worry about water or escape. You don’t worry about nothin’ else. If you say “What’s your culture during this fire?” “Water, that’s my culture, Brother, that’s my culture.” Because culture’s a thing that keeps you. “What’s your politics?” Escape and water. “What’s your education?” Escape and water.” - Fred Hampton - It’s A Class Struggle Goddammit!, November, 1969
Why wouldn’t we be promoting a political agenda?
“We don’t need no culture except revolutionary culture. What we mean by that is a culture that will free you. You heard your Field Lieutenant talking about a fire in the room, didn’t you? What you worry about when you got a fire in this room? You worry about water or escape. You don’t worry about nothin’ else. If you say “What’s your culture during this fire?” “Water, that’s my culture, Brother, that’s my culture.” Because culture’s a thing that keeps you. “What’s your politics?” Escape and water. “What’s your education?” Escape and water.” - Fred Hampton - It’s A Class Struggle Goddammit!, November, 1969
I mean sure, that’s fine. I’m glad you’re admitting to your biases, that better helps me find the truth.
There is no such thing as an unbiased lens. There is no neutral third party in international news where everyone has an interest.
Sure, but confirming what another person’s biases are is useful.