This guy is a moron. Somebody should audit the auditor.
First off? A lot of these degrees would be useful in the majority of the Econ sectors that are actually growing. But if you notice his junk list of degrees… it’s things like African American studies, gender studies… you know. Things that are “woke”.
So. Whose trying to indoctrinate whom?
In any case this moron is probably a symptom of why Mississippi has a lower than average economic growth; why the state is loosing educated workers; and why it ranks 37th in gdp and is on pace to collapse even further. If you want to stop the brain drain (people leaving…) might want to develop economic opportunities instead of bejng an asshole.
37th is honestly 12 or 13 places higher than you’d suspect from Mississippi, though…
I agree with him. If you want tax payers to pay for your higher education, in whole or part, they should expect some kind of measurable benefit to the state. Data shows poor benefits for the courses listed. You can still study those degrees. Just pay for it yourself. My taxes aren’t there for you to go on a personal journey of self exploration.
What an incredibly short-sighted and ignorant take. Education is about more than acquiring a quantifiable skill that would provide a direct monetary benefit to the taxpayer. Get your head out of your ass.
Mississippi state auditor? Yeah right! Nobody’s ever audited THAT mess!
I don’t think we should allow the market to decide how to invest in education.
Not the economics department, though. That’s definitely real science and is not an indoctrination program.