This cruel world gave me a dust mite allergy preventing me from achieving true plushie supremacy
Both weak auras, no blähaj
How dare you call blåhaj blähaj?! Blue is a beautiful comforting color, not yucky! How despicable, to replace such a beautiful this as blå with such a childish auful word as blä. You should be ashamed.
(/s I understand you’re not Swedish)
Huh. Guess my finger slipped.
Into exile, I must go…
Me vs. my wife.
I hope you mean your wife vs you?
My aura is pathetic.
Don’t worry too much about it Mx Snap, your wife must have liked your aura at some point - and she probably still does!
Besides, it’s a little know fact, but stuffed animal energy will enhance your aura even by proximity.
The day’s not over until you say goodnight to your plushies! God I love plushies.
Nice meme template
How is it relevant?
I think the song is about saying goodnight and going to bed. The character singing it looks like the same one in the bed.