Because of missing time and resources, will shut down on 31.03.2024. The domain will be available from the 08.06.2024.
In your profile settings, you can export your profile and import it on a new server into a new account.
Thank you all for your engagement.
I got it working in shell as well:
#!/bin/bash read -p "Username: " user read -p "Password: " -s pass read -p "TOTP: " totp res=$(curl \ --request POST \ --url "" \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{"username_or_email":"'$user'","password":"'$pass'","totp_2fa_token":"'$totp'"}') jwt=$(echo $res | sed -re 's/^.*"jwt":"([^"]*)".*$/\1/') curl \ --request GET \ --url "" \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --cookie "jwt=$jwt" \ -o "export.json"
I’d recommend echoing $res and $jwt before processing them further
Edit: if you don’t have TOTP enabled, don’t forget to remove it from the request
Edit 2: added spacing
Thanks!!! It worked and I am now migrated.