Ramaswamy’s super weird. He’s a superficial corporate candidate that came out of nowhere. Most of what he does is say he agrees with trump. He also wants to raise the voting age to hold off zoomers from voting for a couple years.
lol maybe he’s angling for a veep position under trump
I feel like they’re all doing that or campaigning for cabinet positions. I would be surprised if any of them were actually deluded enough to think they could beat Trump. That, or they’re holding out hope that his legal troubles stop him from being the candidate.
he’s, by far, the least bad one lol. I wouldnt be surprised he came out on top, although he may be too soft on china/rusia. The other ones are complete ghouls screaming who is more warmonger than the other.
A low bar. He’s still terrible.
“Let’s stop trading with China” only sounds reasonable because all the other candidates are just chanting “BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD!”
I forget where I read this, but he is a defender of the caste system.
I wouldn’t be surprised. I heard the Modi regime is trying to become the next Zionist lobby. They want to make “Indian” synonymous with Hindu and increase Islamophobia. He’s probably funded by them as an Indian far-right politician. I know Tulsi Gabbard is. (I think both are posturing “anti-war” [anti-ukraine], but hawkish on China and “Israel.”)
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The Republicans trot out one of these types every election – somebody who by any real metric is just another Bush Era Conservative, but who also mouths whatever dumb kind of pseudo-populism happens to be in vogue on the fringes of the party. They’re almost always women or minorities: Sarah Palin was one of the first, then we got Michelle Bachmann, Ben Carson, etc. And for about a month suburban wine moms and soccer dads go into ecstasies on social media about how “this is true political INNOVATION, we Republicans are the ones with REAL diversity” and many other such inanities, only to fall in at last behind whatever bland mainstream candidate the party leadership has been grooming all along.
Yeah, “I’m young and different, but also want to keep all the young and different people out of the country and out of politics.”
They just really don’t want anyone escaping the country when they hit the blatant fascism button huh?
Well tbf they are pretty much doing the blatant fascism with Palestine. It’s just that people don’t care until it gets pointed at them.
Republicans and walls are an iconic duo in more ways than one
well said
After building a wall around the US: fill it with water.
do we get to build another US on top like the Land of Wano because i am SO down.
This is literally a south park gag, wtf are they doing?
Collapse speedrun any%
Close down all international airports and cut them off from the global internet as well.
Can we at least keep the radicalization pipeline open?
A plan with pros and cons.
Pro: it will keep the burger eaters from destabilizing and destroying the entire world.
Con: all that American-ness concentrated in one place might produce a cursed nexus which, by warping the fabric of space and time, might end up destroying the world anyway.
We need to shut the US down until we can figure out what the hell is going on
That’s a gofundme I would contribute to.
We have to stop, uh, Jean Jaques Renault
Seems pretty neat to me, so long as it’s to keep the Americans in lol
The ensuing cage match might top the 1998 Hell in a Cell match between Mankind and The Undertaker.
i wonder what that guy’s up to these days? What a storyteller. i loved his bit.
This guy is just another one of those clowns who tries to ape Trump without having an ounce of Trump’s peculiar… shall we say “panache.”
great, please keep the yanks inside their containment dome.
So we’ve got to just skate to where the puck is going — not just where the puck is
This mf is appropriating our culture
Covid just take us again America needs to die