To get things started I’ll state my most controversial views.
- I think J.K. Rowling is alright. And that by definition I’m what some would call a “TERF”.
I think there are fundamental differences between men and women, and how one feels doesn’t really change that. Personality traits and mental illness do not change biology.
I’m an atheist. I’m not convinced of any deities, but that’d be pretty cool to find out if there were any, or any deep answer to the universe for that matter.
Climate change is a real and present danger, But there’s fuck all I can do about it from an individual standpoint right now.
Aliens seem like a very real possibility with all the seemingly credible sources lately but I’m not convinced. My best guess is that it’s an intentional thing to mess with other countries.
I’m nearly a free speech absolutist. I think one should not be afraid to voice their views. And that censorship only hurts human progress.
The main controversy surrounding this instance, lolis. I don’t care what people beat it to as long as no one is being harmed. Drawings don’t have emotions, bodies, or rights.