Despite what Canada’s nation hating extreme right would have you believe.

  • Daniel
    1 year ago

    As a Canadian expat, these sorts of surveys are an embarrassment. Canada is not that great. It has some good things going for it, but “second best in the world” is a laughable statement.

    • The wealth disparity is terrible
    • Nearly every inhabited patch of land is a suburban hellscape.
    • The government is routinely dedicated to accomplishing as little as possible, especially on climate
    • The fossil fuel lobby is embarrassingly strong
    • The cost of living is extreme for many, with little effort to reign it in
    • The country suffers from an inferiority complex in relation to the US of all places.
    • The electoral system is broken

    I mean, I love my country, but I’ve seen a lot of places that I’d rather live. The idea that we’re 2nd best compared to even half of the countries I’ve visited in the last 10 years is just silly.