In a 5-2 ruling Tuesday morning, the state’s highest court overturned a ruling by a Kankakee County judge that the law ending cash bail was unconstitutional. The end to cash bail will now go into effect across the entire state on Sept. 18, according to the Illinois Supreme Court ruling.
What? Yes, you get the bail money back. Otherwise, a bail bondsman would just be throwing that 90% away every time.
Had to look it up to double check and edited my comment quite a while before you posted yours, so all I can say is, sure, I agree with you, not that I understand why you chose to respond to an earlier version of my comment. Or did you really spend fifteen minutes drafting a two sentence comment?
Although having seen court clerks play all kinds of nasty games with delivering court notices to defendants and the challenges many indigent defendants face, "you get your bail back if you never miss a single hearing is pretty slim comfort in the real world…
You know I can see the timestamps, right? You posted the comment at 17:09:18, I replied at 17:20:56, you edited at 17:24:00.
Even if you edited multiple times and that’s only the most recent one, yes, in whatever time it was between me opening this post and submitting the comment, I did spend some time reading about bail, first just to make sure I wasn’t crazy, and then just out of curiosity.
Thanks for noticing I edited the comment a couple times.
Anyways, it took you fifteen minutes to check four or five results on Google? Okay.
I have no idea what time I read your comment, so I have no idea how long I spent reading about bail, but sorry for being curious I guess.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re kind of a douche bag?
I think it’s weird and rude to downvote and correct someone like twenty minutes after they already corrected themselves.