The congresspukes who bitch the loudest about the military are cowards who never set foot in a MEPS station themselves.
I’m not saying that you have to have served to have a valid opinion, but I am saying that this guy is talking out his ass.
So, I totally agree with you. But… congresspukes? Really? That was the best you could squeeze out?
Trying to keep it PG…
Grumble didn’t down vote you, I’m sure they’re a fine fellow, I did, because why would you pass judgment on someone who was trying not to radicalize their phrases when the message was clearly conveyed?
He infantilized an intended insult, no need to jerk him off like that. He could have said “congresspeople,” but he wanted to be inflammatory. “Radicalized his phrases.” How do folks like you function in normal society? Honest question, because most folks like that find it very hard to operate once they leave their parents basement. It’s a dumb insult. Go jerk off in front of a mirror or something, so you can see that sanctimonious little halo on your head.
I get by just fine in society, thank you. Why are you trying to evaluate my place in society? Is it for the same reason you’re unable to accept someone’s choice of words on the internet? You seem pretty fragile.