I love extensions that help me save money, like Honey (for crowdsourced discount codes). But Honey sends all my data to PayPal, which means that I use it sparingly and only enable it when it’s time to checkout. That’s inconvenient.
Are there any extensions like Honey (or Lolli) that are privacy-friendly?
No, because they have to make money somehow (either by the company that created it, the company that has the discount, or the person using the extension).
Why not an open-source crowdfunded model like SponsorBlock? Newsletters with discount codes get sent out every day, and I’d happily contribute to a central source
How do you think Honey gets the “discount codes”? The way these platforms become successful is becoming advertising arms for the shops themselves. They can then get exclusive codes in exchange for a cut, and tell the advertiser that they can target better customers due to their tracking.
All the incentives are bad
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Yeh, OzBargain is pretty much the only aussie coupons site which isn’t a scam. 50% of the time, it works every time.