I mean a lot through, but fuck, I would have guessed one order of magnitude lower if you would have made me guess a number. That’s a lot of stuff to block. No wonder they don’t do human-based reviews, that’d be ~6250 reviews per day, so even if you had 1000 people do nothing but that and assuming normal working schedules, each reviewer would have to review an app every 40 minutes.
Damn, that’s… a whole lot.
I mean a lot through, but fuck, I would have guessed one order of magnitude lower if you would have made me guess a number. That’s a lot of stuff to block. No wonder they don’t do human-based reviews, that’d be ~6250 reviews per day, so even if you had 1000 people do nothing but that and assuming normal working schedules, each reviewer would have to review an app every 40 minutes.
And it’s a losing game. You have to block every single one, whereas a bad actor only has to get their app installed on your phone once.