I’ll start:
- Tmux
- vim
- ghidra
- okteta (hex editor)
- speedcrunch (calculator with bit manipulation)
- python3 with IPython for nice reply and embed(), pwntools
This is amazing. Thank you!
Holy shit I need this.
Another of those rare times I don’t expect to laugh in a thread.
For everything:
- vi/vim
- ssh & sshd
For everything except firewalls:
- C, C++, Perl, Common Lisp, Scheme programming tools
- lynx
- wget/curl
- git
- ksh (on *BSD)
- telnet (yeah, there’s equipment that still uses telnet out there)
For a desktop:
- Emacs
- xterm
- GNU plotutils
- TeXlive
- X11 utilities (xcalc, editres, etc.)
- Atmel and Arduino toolchains
- xpdf
- KiCad
- Inkscape
- Firefox
- Chromium
- Kerbal Space Program
- docker (What, you never wanted to use a optimized version of cmatrix that uses only 512KiB of ram while barely scratching your CPU?)
- foot
- brave
- (on docker) btop, cmatrix, lynx
What is this optimized cmatrix you speak of? The normal one slows my desktop to a crawl when it runs.
Basically, a “handcrafted” cmatrix with compilation flags focused on optimization and the musl library (which is “technically better” than glib, a standard library on most distros).
Do feel free to try it out however, its only 139KiB – click here.
tl;dr guide on how to get it running
1- Install docker (docker on most distros – docker.io on ubuntu and friends)
2- sudo usermod -aG docker (addyourusernamehere)
3- reboot
4- run it with “docker run -it --rm --log-driver none --net none --read-only defnotgustavom/cmatrix:marchedition”
- ZSH (Shell)
- Ripgrep (alternative for grep)
- Bat (alternative for cat)
- Exa (alternative for ls)
- Fd (alternative for find)
- Fzf (fuzzy finder)
- Micro (editor)
- VS Code (editor)
- Jq (sed for JSON data)
- Mercurial (version control system)
- TortoiseHG (graphical interface for Mercurial)
- Terminator (terminal emulator)
- KeepassXC (password manager)
- CopyQ (clipboard manager)
- Vivaldi (browser)
- SchildiChat (matrix client)
- RSS Guard (feed reader)
- FileZilla (FTP / FTPS / SFTP client)
- Double Commander (file manager)
- Hugo (generator for static websites)
- DBeaver (database tool)
- And maybe a few others that I can’t think of right now.
I’d drop keepassxc and pick up GNU password store or gopass. Pgp+git and a nice cli to wrap them onto an encrypted password store that’s pretty easy to move around these days.
GNU password store
The tool, unless something has changed in the meantime, has one major drawback for me. The filename of the encrypted files is displayed in plain text. However, I don’t want people to be able to see, for example, which Internet sites I have an account with. Sure you can name the files otherwise. But how should I remember for example that the file dafderewrfsfds.gpg contains the access data for Mastodon?
In addition, I miss with pass some functions. As far as I know, you can’t save file attachments. Or define when a password expires. And so on. Pass is therefore too KISS for me.
Pgp+git and a nice cli to wrap them onto an encrypted password store that’s pretty easy to move around these days.
A matter of opinion, I would say. I prefer my Keepass file which I can access via my Nextcloud instance or which is stored on a USB stick on my keychain.
By the way, the file is secured with a Yubikey in addition to a Diceware password. So saving it in the so-called cloud is no problem. Just as a note, in case someone reading my post wants to make smart remarks about the cloud.
micro text editor is very good. powerful and simple.
For me, this is the main reason why I use micro. And because I don’t like the handling of vim. Funnily enough, I’ve been playing around with Helix for a while now and I really like the editor, even though it’s a modal editor, just like vim. Maybe because of the selection → action model. The question is, do I like Helix better than micro? I still have to answer that question for myself at some point.
- distrobox
- brave
- flatpak
- neovim
- nix
- fish
- tmux
One that I didn’t see on here that I’ve added to my list
- tldr
- simplified man pages with common example commands.-
If on desktop
- distro-box
- yakuake
- tldr
I see a lot of the good ones are already mentioned. But I can’t use a linux system for more than an hour without ‘thefuck’ installed
Well I’m installing this as soon as I get home.
- ardour
- kdenlive
- vscode
- kdenlive
- gnome
- xmrig
- fish
- element
- telegram
- alacritty
- neovim
- tmux
- vifm - terminal file manager with vi keybindings.
- zathura - pdf reader with vi keybindings.
- inxi - prints information about your hardware.
- tldr - cheat sheet for common commands
- qalculate - the most powerful calculator I’ve seen. There are qt, gtk and cli versions of it.
- moreutils - collection of tools. My favourite is vidir, it opens directory structure in your terminal text editor, so that you can rename multiple files easily.
Adding to that:
- neovim for workstations
- curl
- wget
- zsh
Edit: So essentially for me, I forgot to include it: vim, my beloved, always and for ever
Def curl and wget!
Zsh is great but I ended up falling back to bash for simplicity.
Im not really into the bash simplicity, but it’s proven and stable.
I just have a git repo with configs on my git Server, I make changes regularly and roll them out with a quick bash script.
Firefox, only office and spotify. That’s all I need.
- exa
- ripgrep
- tree
- difftastic
- fzf
- git
- neovim
- zsh
- starship
- direnv
- bat
clipcopy to pipe output of commands into the system clipboard
cat foo.txt | clipcopy
- zsh+ohmyzsh
- tilix
- neovim
- fzf
- exa
- pv
- htop+iotop+nethogs
- iperf3
- nc
- socat
- nmap
- python3
- ansible
- lolcat