In my opinion “be a man” means not afraid to talk to someone about your problems
Yeah but that’s not how the people this meme criticises use it.
I wish I could help you :(
Sincerely, an nb
I will say, from my grandfather to my father to me, it feels mental health in men has shifted. my dad told me what his dad did (like “the crust will put hair on your chest”) but it feels society has shifted on the subject and I hope our education system still reflects that!
Yay to less drowning alone! Lol
Man up!
Ie. bury whatever emotion you’re feeling and be more aggressive.
It’s almost like both sides are stupid and wrong and just wants to shout at each other without giving any solutions. Both sides just want to be right while society suffers because both sides won’t just shut the actual fuck up. Sick of feminist ideology, sick of aggressive males. Why won’t you all just shut the fuck up with your bullshit. Especially fuck your egos with your identity politics shite whether your a white nationalist tard or a blue haired woke tard.
100% agree. Modern day society tells Men to actively express their emotions and feelings without actually providing good, logical advice that helps improves Mens lives and get them out of their depressive states.
Instead of teaching Men to observe and regulate their emotions to become better and find purpose. Now society is encouraging to trap them in an emotional cycle where we need to be dependent on people.
And still society wonders why so many Men are radicalised by gurus like Tate, which is also no good as it comes with mysoginistic opinions and same old conservative beliefs, how Women should be treated.
However, whether people like Tate or not. He definetly has impacted Men and lit a fire underneath. Maybe improved individual lives. After all, Tate saw a weakness in society (Men depression and suicide) and took advantage of it for his own personal gains.
What society needs now is actual Male Role Models. This is where ancient greek philosophy Stoism can be one of the useful solutions to this issue, which should be taught in education systems.
I don’t like the social engineering trying to tell men what to do, how to think and how to behave.
If men have no positive role models and no framework through which to interact with their emotions and their place in the world, they will find horrible role models like Andrew Tate and come up with crude and self-serving frameworks through which to view the world. Since people find religion cringe for some reason nowadays, personal philosophy and virtue ethics are now our only good option.
How about stop trying to dictate who’s role model people follow! How about let people live their lives? If people find help and value to become better then so be it. Who are you to say he is a bad role model? Because he says things you don’t like or behaves in a way you don’t find appealing.
Who are you to say he is a bad role model?
Andrew Tate’s entire schtick is being a misogynistic chimpanzee wearing the skin of a man and bragging about how wealthy and sexually successful he is. Anybody who believes this manchild to be a good role model ought to be treated as a laughingstock, much like the man himself. Andrew Tate and people like him capturing the minds of the youth, or young people living a meaningless and depressive existence with no role models or aspirations at all, has direct negative effects on society, and therefore me as well. Therefore, I will continue to tell people to stop following shitty role models like him and to get good ones, because I wanna live in a society where people actually have standards for how they conduct themselves, instead of a society dominated by people like Andrew Tate.
So bad because he wrong thinked? Tate bad because he said a word? Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem but it also highlights a gaping hole in society that hasn’t been addressed and neglected by this Western woke ideology, largely the needs of males have been neglected, shunned and ignored.
Because he’s a degenerate scam artist who influences young men to do things which are harmful for society. Society needs standards.
Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem
That’s not what Andrew Tate did. Andrew Tate tells men that they are worthless unless they’re wealthy, strong, and promiscuous like him, and then extracts money from them so they can attend his “hustle university” and learn surface-level Investipedia knowledge from a moderator on the Andrew Tate discord server.
People like this should absolutely be ostracized. Being mistreated by society does not give any of us an excuse to be fucking stupid.
I agree with what you said. However it also worth pointing out that I have seen individual Men going to the gym, improving their mental, physical, emotional and even career after watching a few Tate videos.
The thing is you can use Andrew Tate as a source of motivation whilst not agreeing with his beliefs and opinions. Although, this seems more of a difficult task for some, I managed to do this. Take a bit of red and blue pill to have a better understanding of the world around you.
I agree to this to some extent. However as you say, letting Men live how they want by being free is what modern society have always been telling them. Yet no purpose, no goals, dreams, motivation? Every human needs a mentor to guide them through life. If you look into stoism, you will understand what I am saying. These ancient greek gods knew their stuff and they were emperors and masters for good reason.
I would love to create a community on here for men’s mental health and (actual) issues, but I’m afraid it would get invaded by the toxic masculinity crap.
There’s a sub-reddit called Daddit. It was a great support group for Dads on reddit, either struggling or wanted to share their love for their kids. It’s very doable, you just need to set an example early on for what it needs to be.
Why not mental health for all?
How can you even dare do suggest such an evil thing? Everybody knows men and women are completely different creatures. There’s no way they would be able to talk about mental health together! /s
Thanks for the suggestion, I thought it was obvious
Yep no problem :)
I think that’s implied. Damn brave for not using the /s
Edit: I just checked the commentor’s history, I believe this is almost certainly sarcasm.
They’ve added it to their comment so this is the good ending I guesss
This is a true story: My doctor told me this while I was lying in a hospital bed, in the ICU, after trying to kill myself by ODing on pills and alcohol, straps around my wrists and ankles. This was at an extremely nice hospital in Silicon Valley, California.
I was loaded on antipsychotics and a little loopy but I remember telling him that it was sexist bullshit and unhelpful, which made the nurse chuckle.
Username checks out.