My ‘favorite’ silly Trump bit was when asked about the environment, clean air, water, etc., he said “we had H2O”. Wow sounds so science-ey!? 🙄
(It was like a Ralph Wiggum ‘I’m learnding’ moment)
I’m old enough to remember Trump gutting the EPA, approving oil drilling permits, and reducing national park land and that those are considered all negatives for the environment :/
Ugh, I try not to :[ honestly such an embarrassment for the whole country that the choices are between a senile old dude and a convicted felon dictator
My ‘favorite’ silly Trump bit was when asked about the environment, clean air, water, etc., he said “we had H2O”. Wow sounds so science-ey!? 🙄 (It was like a Ralph Wiggum ‘I’m learnding’ moment)
I’m old enough to remember Trump gutting the EPA, approving oil drilling permits, and reducing national park land and that those are considered all negatives for the environment :/
Remember the last debate when they were arguing over who loves fracking more? FFS!
Ugh, I try not to :[ honestly such an embarrassment for the whole country that the choices are between a senile old dude and a convicted felon dictator
It has electrolytes! It’s what plants crave.