There are people in jails as well despite we all knowing that crime is bad. People tend to break all kinds of rules. We as a society should make getting exess calories more difficult and force the individual take more responsibility in their own choices. For example having way higher taxes for products that contain sugar. This should encourage people to switch to noncaloric sodas for example. Having your health insurance price take a hike for every pound on the obese side of things.
So in short. Make it more expensive and inconvenient to eat too much and get obese.
Tämä. Ostin itse alkuvuodesta asunnon. Rempattava Espoolainen paritalo +150 neliötä ja sama hintalappu kun viereisellä vuokratontilla uusi +30neliön kaksio maksaa. Kyllähän tässä saa vähän omin käsin duunata mutta aika helppo ratkaisu itselle.