Curious that it looks like this echo chamber agrees with him
Curious that it looks like this echo chamber agrees with him
Well we can move cars with electricity so i guess it could do some good as some point
That said I’m in the train of let’s actually accelerate climate change it’s not like no one is going to move a finger till it gets really bad so why should we extend the suffering
Wellness cat to add a bit of chaos to the office life
Worse part is that food is designed to make the most profit and there a lot of tasty and cheap things you shouldn’t eat that much.
I wonder if he could have traveled to a better country to receive care
For good reason there is a list of filler episodes out there to know what you can skip
I have been there, a few firefighters came to extinghis s fucking tree that was lit thanks to the sun
I heard that they have a magic show
In an ecosystem I think more roads might just work
Isn’t that enough energy for the whole day?
I’m not about to read all of that but I agree I actually saw this in a teacher I had he refused to explain again, explain differently his mind couldn’t wrap around the fact that some persons couldn’t understand
Likely I was in a rabbit hole in a research site and stumbled upon a video of someone using it
What about the shit we feed that grass uh?!! We should all be eating shit instead of taking the hard work of the grass
Well for anyone curious about this there is that website called “animal hardware” or something like that which sells egg laying fetish kits
Why do I know this?..
Sounds impractical the system always ends up with a 1% that had most of the wealth
Hilarious, capitalism is a thing
I agree with you, my feeling is that this board was slowly built by our economic system money rules the world if you don’t want to play in this board made by slaves you are out of the game if you want to be promoted you have to kill others and in the end you become a bigger piece in a greedy game of destruction
With all of this said I feel you have to stay hopeful, because it’s better to believe that there can be change, and actually good things have happened we did stop dumping dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere, there has been cooperation, I think it’s fair to stay hopeful
This why argued we might as well make it worse maybe we will suffer a bit less is unlikely change is coming in time anyways
AI is the solution to AI of course how could we have come up with this sooner
The surprising part is that it isn’t a cute small boy