Gianni comes through again
This is my experience. It’s fading with time. There are certain situational triggers, and sometimes out-of-the blue cravings, but they become less frequent and easier to ignore, slowly, as time goes on.
Rock and Stone, brutha!
I did a bootcamp for Java, and lucked into a junior Android dev role, and man, I’ve really grown to love Kotlin. It really does have all the things I liked about Java, like type safety, but it’s so much more concise. It was pretty confusing at first, a lot of Kotlin is just syntactic sugar, and you kinda need to know what Kotlin is cutting out to make sense of things. But once I got into it, it just feels so much faster and expressive than Java.
I’m really happy when I see Kotlin being adopted outside of Android, like in backend services and such. But that rarely happens.
I couldn’t finish Berserk but this is giving Kentaro Miura vibes and I love it