I think also the fact that he’s putting his child and wife’s needs ahead of his own. Taking care of business is also sexy
I think also the fact that he’s putting his child and wife’s needs ahead of his own. Taking care of business is also sexy
I read it as “mmph” like an onomatopoeia.
They actually just released a giant patch last week!
Jumping off Vampire Survivor I highly recommend Halls of Torment! Similar vibe, easier, very satisfying. The aesthetic is very similar to Diablo 1 but with vampire survivor gameplay. I’m in love with it
Yeah it was a rough launch. I just picked it up during the last steam sale and it’s fucking amazing now though! I can’t put it down!
I’m glad you haven’t had any interaction with these kind of people, at least not outwardly. I think it’s important to think about someone who has struggled with abuse or is currently a victim of it. It clouds your thinking and judgement, it feels normal and familiar. I believe there are too many people in this world that could benefit from such information.
You’re right about nuance. Everyone displays some of these traits some of the time, but when talking about abusers who weaponize these traits to take advantage of vulnerable people it’s a very real problem.
Without spoiling, there is a reveal that ties all the BioShock games together in Infinite. That reveal would be much more impactful if you have knowledge of the others, and might not make any sense if it’s your first BioShock experience.
In the U.S. I would also advise calling 211. It’s a hotline that connects you directly to qualifying government resources.
Because they don’t use lower case in their writing. I agree that would have made it more clear, though this is assuming in even right