Let them keep this shit up and you’ll find out.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Let them keep this shit up and you’ll find out.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Keep it up, dumbasses.
Catch the hint…the harder you try the harder we do. There’s no trying from our end.
Gone are the days of being properly fed off a normal wage.
Tax dollars are paying for that right?
I’m Dutch myself, but i know a lot of people who can’t afford another increase in cost of living…i’m quite certain America has many more people in the same situation.
I wonder what would happen if Google manages to destroy itself with increasing shenanigans like this.
I mean, so much of digital based stuff relies on them for some extent.
I’ve had this saved to my camera roll for years and deleted it two days ago, maybe my timing was wrong and i need to keep it.
Or bad performance on near new overpriced hardware.
The guy i’m tenderly trying to kiss on the head
I finished the story and did some sight seeing and tried to build an outpost to make fat stacks but somehow i couldn’t find the right location after 4 hours of searching and that’s when i ditched the game.
That’s some high res looking pikachu, i stole it.
I enjoyed it for about 70h, then i got sick of all the loading.
I just need properly updated skyrim. Better graphics, similar amount of loading screens, better npc’s, better mechanics but the same old fantasy setting.
Oh and all the mods, something about sculpting my own vuloptuous barbie doll character to turn into the ultimate killing machine.
A construction worker here receives twice my hourly wage.
You’re probably right about this.
I thought the same thing, turns out all i can do is become burnt out.
With stuff like that, depending on the rarity obviously wouldn’t it be better to get a regular version to read?
I often decline their cookie bull, they’ll just keep asking with every new page i load from that website. Preferably with a pop-up that covers 2/3rd of the screen.
Please don’t the 17 attempts for me to surrender my cookies are already exhausting my willingness to use the web.
And then they leak/sell your email so for each cancelation you receive 7 different new spam mails on a daily basis.
At least that’s what it seems like most of the time.
I wanted a G8 monitor or the G9
The G9 is still €1799 and the G8 went from €888 to €840.
I’ll wait for an upgrade of either and see these drop to 2/3 of msrp or something.