If the police lose, you really lose
If the police lose, you really lose
It’s not at all weird and very easy to explain. The BBC positions itself as an impartial reporter. Anything that appears to be a judgement call by someone else is (quite rightly) put into quotes.
In this case, I would have simply left out the words “innocent victim “ myself, as it’s a bit odd - but that is the rationale.
If your organisation is big enough to have a press office of more than 4 or 5 people, you will usually have an on-call rota.
Certainly, if you on an ‘agile’ tariff in the UK it can be a lot cheaper. There were times a few month ago when it was particularly windy - they were paying me to use electricity/charge my solar batteries from the grid.
Not bad. Did the Ride London 60 on Sunday, pondering whether I should try the 100 next year. It went ok
It can work where there is real competition. For natural monopolies, not so much.
Usually it happens because the state wants to sell off family silver to make some short term cash :(
So, if I gave you some volunteering contacts as links, would you commit to starting next month for me? Or would it take a threat of fines/court action?
Would you be up for being compelled to give up a day a month to do good works? Not volunteering, mind, compelled.
“It’s a bit lively tonight “
£115? That’s nearly 3 pints of bitter
I contribute plenty. I volunteer for several charities including AgeUK and a local food bank and I give blood.
Want to make it mandatory? piss off.
You need a certain kind of landscape for that. I think the UK only has a couple of pumped storage power stations due to lack of suitable sites
No. That’s like saying the UK has too much wind power because our prices occasionally go negative. What Germany might not have enough of is battery and other storage
If you’re on an agile tariff where the price changes ever 30 minutes, it’s a bit of a bummer
Hopefully the plughole is clogged with hair
Indeed. To be honest, I’d probably fall back on the old idea of filling the bath right up if the shit looked like it was about to hit the fan.
I think that ‘resilience in depth’ is a reasonable idea. The NHS exists, but I still have a first aid kit at home.
In practice, I think it will be difficult fir a household to store 3 days drinking water.
I don’t think my grumpiness level has particularly changed since I emerged from my grumpy teenage phase.
I’d say that the railways were probably more likely to fail because you have the added complication of the rail infrastructure company on top, plus the need for through-ticketing and timetable coordination. Those factors magnified the sheer amount of shit in the show
Pretty sure AP is funded by newspapers