I am a student working on a degree in finance. Work in cell phone sales part time so I am kinda used as tech support but wouldn’t consider myself that technical
I also really love the ability to pick a hex code for the accent color.
Been real happy with Memmy. It’s getting closer to Apollo every day
I think Xerath is really powerful when picked in the right situation. The main issue with him is he is completely helpless against strong dive comps but when the enemy is low on engage his range is absolutely busted. Once he has an item or two a few skill shots landing can easily force a back securing an objective.
Honestly I think the game is actually pretty balanced and pretty much any champion can be picked at the top level in some situations. Just understandably hard for pros to practice off meta picks that the ideal situation for may not come up in a season.
I main J4. I like how his kit is simple but there is a lot of skill expression with different ways to use his abilities. I also would argue that he is the most versatile champ in the game being viable in 4 roles with builds ranging from full tank to full ad to ap support. I have never really gotten board of playing him as there is always something to try. I strongly recommend people try a few different builds with him rather than only ever running Goredrinker bruiser every game