The lesson we’ve taught Putin is that we’re a bunch of total f**king jokers
Trust me everyone already knew this long ago
The lesson we’ve taught Putin is that we’re a bunch of total f**king jokers
Trust me everyone already knew this long ago
Reports of explosions in Jerusalem apparently
Someone who is built like an absolute tank
wOw, HoW fUnNy. YoU aDdEd ‘OuR,’ tO a WoRd.
WoW. hOw FuNnY. yOu AdDeD tHe WoRd OuR tO a WoRd.
HoW fUnNy. HoW cOmPeLlInG.
HaVe yOu rEaD CaPiTaL? hAvE YoU ReAd aNyThInG ReMoTeLy sOcIaLiSt? Do yOu kNoW WhAt dIaLeCtIcAl mAtErIaLiSm iS? dO YoU KnOw aNyThInG AbOuT CoMmOdItIeS, tHe rElAtIoN Of tHe wOrKeR AnD ThE CaPiTaLiSt, EtC?
AdDiNg “OuR” tO A WoRd aNd pReSeNtInG It aS ‘wOw aM CoMmIe’ HuMoUr iS A BrIlLiAnT, cLeVeR, eInStIeN-LeVeL JoKe. ThIs iS So fAr fRoM ThE TrUtH. iN ReAlItY, uSiNg tHiS TeChNiQuE Is nOt oNlY UnFuNnY, bUt iT’S AlSo a lAzY AtTeMpT At hUmOuR ThAt rElIeS On tIrEd cLiChEs aNd sTeReOtYpEs. FiRsT Of aLl, ThE VeRy tHoUgHt tHaT PuTtInG “oUr” In fRoNt oF A UsUaL, eVeRyDaY WoRd aUtOmAtIcAlLy mAkEs iT SoCiAlIsT Is a mIsUnDeRsTaNdInG, a cUrSe, A LeVeL Of sTuPiDiTy i cAnNoT CoMpReHeNd; ArE YoU, bY AnY ChAnCe, An eInZeLlEr?cOmMuNiSm iS SuCh a cOmPlIcAtEd sOcIo-eCoNoMiC ThEoRy tHaT CaNnOt bE ReDuCeD To a sImPlE ‘oUr,’ tO ReDuCe iT To sUcH A SiMpLe, LoW-Iq lInGuIsTiC TrIcK. uSiNg ‘OuR’ aS A PrEfIx iS OnE Of tHe wOrSt aTtEmPtS At hUmOuR I CaN ImAgInE. sHaMe oN YoU, sHaMe. SeCoNdLy, ThE UsE Of tHiS TeChNiQuE Is oFtEn aSsOcIaTeD WiTh lAzY HuMoUr tHaT ReLiEs oN StErEoTyPeS AnD ClIcHeS. tHiS TyPe oF HuMoUr iS NoT OnLy uNfUnNy, BuT It’s aLsO HuRtFuL AnD PeRpEtUaTeS HaRmFuL StErEoTyPeS.
ShAmE On yOu, Ya fIlThY BuMhOlE.
To make a long story short: The USSR was a massive threat to Western hegemony so they had to go.
Reds Killed Trillions
Nice! I used to vape but was told to stop because my blood pressure became abnormally high for an 18 year old (how old I was when I quit)
I think Scotland will be the first to achieve independence from England since a good amount of people are starting to get sick of parliament. The UK used an obsolete law that’s never been enforced just to make life harder for trans people and that’s kind of been a big catalyst in Scottish independence gaining traction again. I don’t think Northern Ireland will last much longer in the UK after that. The inevitable abolition of the monarchy will put an end to the UK since we wouldn’t even be a Kingdom anymore. Either way this is definitely the end of the United KIngdom now and it’s going to happen within the century.
It pretty much is. People are literally pulling their own teeth out because they can’t get dental care, the cost of living crisis is so extreme that at one point I was spending £50 a week on food for just myself, the NHS is basically on its last legs due to conservative incompetence and people are dying of easily treatable cancers and illnesses because by the time they’re actually seen to it’s already too late. On top of that our government is sending money to Ukraine and supporting Israel, our politicians are turning the lynchings of trans people into a game of political football, and the entire political system is literally primarily based on documents that were written between the 13th and 18th centuries. If you think America sucks I genuinely do not see the UK surviving this decade.
I really set myself up for this one
The fact that 21% of my country’s population thinks things are going in the right direction here is fucking insane to me. The UK is literally one of the worst countries in the world right now.
Unsurprising unfortunately
It is sad but yeah, it was necessary in this case. A tranquilliser can take up to a few minutes to take effect and would not have guaranteed the kid’s safety.
The overall issue however is not whether it was justified in this case but the zoos themselves. It is absolutely evil in my eyes to entrap animals in cages and exploit them for entertainment. The entire zoo industry is disgusting and needs to be rid of.
The only reason to support Israel is if you are literally evil.
I hope you’re right. This has gone on for far too long.
I am as well. Took a lot of breaking away from the anti-communist propaganda but I’m glad I did.
Good, I hope he gets nightmares for the rest of his miserable life